Rohde & Schwarz FPC-COM2 – FPC1500 Spectrum Analyser Package
The Rohde & Schwarz spectrum analyser has 1 channel and its operating frequency ranges from 5kHz and 3GHz. The extremely low noise floor and high maximum input power combine to provide the best dynamic range. The resolution bandwidth can be set to 1Hz for finer spectral details. This spectrum analyser has 26% larger display and has a 160% higher resolution than other instruments. This can be controlled via smart wireless remote control software. It also supports wired Ethernet and wireless Wi-Fi connectivity. The instrument also has R&S InstrumentView for Windows and for iOS/Android app-based it has R&S MobileView platforms that enable remote controlling and measurement anytime and anywhere. This bundle includes frequency upgrades and several software packages, providing more functions and options. It is an ideal addition to any troubleshooting or analysing kit.
Included in this bundle:
FPC1500 Spectrum Analyser, 5kHz to 1GHz
FPC-B2 (144-8213) Freq. Upgrade 1GHz to 2GHz
FPC-B3 (144-8214) Freq. Upgrade 2GHz to 3GHz
FPC-B22 (144-8215) Preamplifier software
FPC-K7 (144-8216) Modulation analysis software
FPC-K43 (144-8217) Receiver mode software
FPC-K55 (144-8218) Advanced measurements software
FPC-K42 Vector Network Analysis
Rohde & Schwarz promotion until March 31st, 2024
Save up to 48% on the most popular configurations of T&M instrument configurations from Rohde & Schwarz. This promotional offer includes all essential instruments found on an engineer’s workbench including, oscilloscopes, DC power supplies, spectrum and antenna analysers, signal generators and LCR meters.
Buy the FPC-COM2 bundle now to benefit from an inclusive 20% saving
Features and Benefits
Provides low noise floor of -150dBm
Optional FPC1000-B22 preamplifier to increase sensitivity
Measures high-power signals of up to 30dBm (1W)
Screen size is 10.1in
Six markers shown vividly in different colours
Two USB 2.0 ports for storage media and connecting accessories, headphone jack, audio speaker and RF input
Soft menu selection for quick access to key tools
Measurement setup buttons
Power key approximately 15 seconds boot time
Documentation as a screenshot or of instrument settings, control knob
Optional R&S FPC-K43 receiver mode, R&S FPC-K7 modulation analysis and R&S FPC-K55 advanced measurement
Optional accessories ZZA-FPC1 19in rackmount kit, HZ-15 Near field probes, 30MHz to 3GHz, HZ-16 Amplifier, 100kHz to 3GHz TB-Z3 and a soft carrying case
Wi-Fi enabled
Remote control and measurement software includes
100% software upgradeable via a key code
3-year standard warranty
Width of 147mm (without feet) and 156mm (with feet)
Height of 178mm (without feet) and 185mm (with feet)
Length 396mm (With Feet), 396mm (Without Feet)
Electronics laboratories
Educational institutes
Electronics designing
Service and maintenance
VDE certified
GS certified
UL 61010-1 approval
CAN/CSA-C22 certified
IEC 61010-1
EN 61010-1
IEC 60068-2-30
IEC 60068-2-6
IEC 60068-2-64
IEC 60068-2-27

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