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KHK53-AXB00038, Sick Linear Measuring Linear Measuring Encoder, Энкодер

Номер производителя: KHK53-AXB00038Производитель: Sick
Цена за шт.
1109401.80 руб. (С НДС) *

Срок поставки: 4-6 недель




The POMUX KH53 non-contact linear encoder can measure absolute lengths up to 1,700 m. The encoder consists of two main components: The non-contact read head determines the absolute position using a series of measuring elements attached along the measurement path. Each measuring element consists of a number of permanent magnets. Since the distances between the magnets are unique, they can be used to develop an absolute measuring code. No reference run is required due to the absolute position being determined. The read head is passed parallel to these measuring elements at a distance of 25 mm or 55 mm. With a measuring length of up to 1,700 m, the KH53 is ideal for use in cranes, in storage and conveyor systems, and for railed vehicles. Due to the non-contact technology, this system works wear-free even in harsh ambient conditions, so that a long lifetime is ensured.

At a glance

Non-contact length measurement – maintenance-free, rugged, long service life
High reproducibility (0.3 mm / 1 mm), high system resolution (0.1 mm)
SSI and PROFIBUS interfaces
Determination of absolute position
Measuring lengths of up to 1,700 m possible
Can be used in harshest ambient conditions
High traversing speeds of up to 6.6 m/s
Distance tolerance between read head and measuring element: up to 55 mm ± 20 mm possible

Your Benefits

After installation, the system is immediately available and completely maintenance-free, which leads to time and cost savings
Reliable determination of position under harshest ambient conditions such as the effects of dirt, dust, fog, shock, and vibration
High efficiency and productivity
Time savings – no reference run necessary on initial commissioning due to absolute position measurement
Accurate positioning even with high mounting tolerances


Detection of the crane position
Position determination of trolleys
Detecting the trolley position and determining the height position of the spreader
Position detection of goods trains for loading and unloading
Position determination of a crane
Position determination at lock gates
Distance monitoring when retracting or rolling out stadium lawns
Positioning stadium roofs
Positioning outdoor overhead traveling cranes
Positioning the trolley
Positioning the stacker
Industrial crane positioning in waste bunkers
Positioning of outdoor cranes
Overhead crane trolley positioning
Positioning of rail-mounted shuttles during the material handling process
Movement and position control of internal machine parts
Ladle car position at ladle furnace during secondary metallurgy
Detection of the crane position
Position detection of a crane gantry


Product details cover the whole product family. For details on the specifications for this individual product, please refer to the datasheet.

Техническая спецификация
pdfDatasheet - KHK53-AXB00038
Напряжение питания:
10 → 32 V
Технология энкодера:
Линейный измерительный
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