PWM DC 8A 12-32Vdc
EM-174 motor drive is designed for DC-motor speed control. The unit regulates motor voltage so a non regulated supply voltage is suitable. Potentiometer or direct voltage signal can be used to give the speed control value. Rotation direction changes when control input value turns negative or if control input signal is applied to direction input.The unit has reference positive and negative signal for potentiometer use, i.e. the potentiometer can also be used to drive in both directions, the motor stops at potentiometer middle position. Set value range can be scaled to range trim.,During a direction change, the controller waits for motor to stop before driving in opposite direction. This avoids current peaks at direction change. The current limit can be set with a pot or direct voltage signal to protect the motor and mechanics in jam situations. Start up speed can be limited an acceleration ramp, which slowly rises the motor voltage in a desired way. Ramp time is set with a pot.EM-174 can be optimised for 12 or 24 V supply use.
No brake
Controlled direction change +/-10v or 0-10v
Soft start ramp
Adjustable current limit
Load compensation (IR comp)
Electromen - EM-174 8A 12-32VDC PWM DC DRIVE BOARD
The EM-174A motor driver is designed for DC-motor speed control and is suitable for 12 or 24V supply. Control can be provide by a potentiometer or direct voltage signal and the drive has adjustable load compensation, if required.The drive has positive and negative potentiometer input to allow proportional control in both directions, the value range can be scaled with trim pot.On direction change command, the controller waits for motor to stop before driving in reverse, this avoids high in-rush currents at direction change. The current limit can be set with by trim or with a direct voltage signal to protect the motor and mechanism in jam situations.
Start-up speed can be adjusted with a acceleration ramp, this is adjusted with on board trim pot.
Features and Benefits
High efficiency solid state power stage
Bidirectional control with smooth direction change
±10 V or 0-10V control
Soft start ramp
Adjustable current limit
Load compensation
High peak loading handling
DIN rail mountable
12-24Vdc, 8A continuous, 12A peak
Speed and direction control
Adjustable start ramp and current limit
Symmetrical control ±5V (rev-stop-fwd)
Compact and DIN rail mountable
EM 174 DC Motor Driver Data Sheet
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