Molex PremiumGrade Hand Crimping Tool for PanelMate Crimp terminals
Importance of a High-Quality Crimp
When a crimping tool is used on a terminal, two crimps take place at the same time. One is the electrical connection between conductor and terminal. The other is the insulation crimp which provides strain relief against vibration and tension. It is important that the electrical connection is gas tight without any voids between the wire strands and the terminal. If there any voids present, then corrosion can occur causing resistance and excessive heat which damages the electrical connection. Using a good quality crimping tool will ensure that a full, gas tight crimp is produced preventing future deterioration of the electrical connection and insulation breakage
PremiumGrade Hand Crimping Tool - Overview
From Molex a PremiumGrade manual crimping tool made from high-quality materials and designed to crimp to a high specification. This PremiumGrade crimp tool has been tested to a minimum of 50000 cycles. If the tool is looked after and maintained it produces crimps to the highest specification during this life span. This crimping tool consists of two ergonomically designed soft grip handles with an adjustable preload force, ratchet mechanism, die assembly and terminal locator.
Ratchet Mechanism
The ratchet is pre-set to a specific force and remains locked until the handles of the tool are fully closed and the dies are bottomed. The handles cannot be opened until a full crimping cycle is achieved, preventing partial crimps. Once the cycle is complete the handles will spring open. The ratchet also enables the operator to repeatedly produce consistent, high-quality crimps. If jamming or terminal misplacement occurs the handles can be easily opened using an emergency ratchet release lever
Adjustable Handle Force
Over time it may be necessary to adjust the pre-set handle load force. This is achieved by using a setting wheel which can be moved anti clockwise to increase the handle force or clockwise to decrease the handle force
This PremiumGrade hand crimping tool features a user-friendly terminal locator and wire stop which accurately position the terminal and holds it securely in place during the crimping process. The locator is pushed into place between the crimping dies and the terminal loaded into the correctly sized nest on the end of the locator. The locator button is released and the terminal is then positioned correctly for crimping. The pre-stripped wire is inserted through the terminal against the wire-stop and crimping can proceed
Right or left handed Operation Configurable
This PremiumGrade hand crimping tool can be converted from right handed to left handed operation by removing the locator and reversing the upper and lower parts of the tool
Transferable Dies and Locator
The dies and locator of this hand crimping tool can be used in a power crimp head (Molex Part Number 63816-0800). This crimp head is then connected to a battery powered crimping tool (Molex Part Numbers 63816-0200 and 63816-0250)
Key Features and Benefits
• Manufactured from high-quality materials
• Long service life of 50000 cycles minimum
• Ratchet mechanism ensures full crimp cycle
• Emergency ratchet release
• Locator and wire stop for accurate terminal positioning
• Adjustable handle force
• Ergonomically designed handles for comfortable use
• Right and left handed operation
• Locator and dies can be used in battery powered tools
This PremiumGrade hand crimping tool is designed for use in low volume or field repair applications.
Questions and Answers
What Terminals can this Crimping Tool be used with?
This PremiumGrade hand crimping tool is for use with Molex loose piece crimp terminals with a wire size of 32 AWG to 28 AWG that are used in the following connector systems;
1.25mm pitch wire to board connectors
PanelMate wire to board connectors
Are There Any Spares for this Crimping Tool?
Yes, the following spares are available:
Return spring - stock number 173-9645
Ratchet spring - stock number 173-9646
Molex Hand Crimping Tools
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